Reasons to Take Social Security Early at Age 62 (US
Reasons to Take Social Security Early at Age 62 Taking Social Security benefits early may reduce total program earnings, but doing so makes sense in several scenarios.
Reasons to Take Social Security Early at Age 62 Taking Social Security benefits early may reduce total program earnings, but doing so makes sense in several scenarios.
PROLAPSED OVARY AS CAUSE OF CHRONIC PAIN, DYSPAREUNIA, LACK OF ORGASM, CONSTIPATION AND DEFECATION CHALLENGES A research study by. Adams O.Sani, MD, RVS, RCS, RDMS(Abd,Ob/Gyn.), RPVI Abstract: This observatory study aims to evaluate the significance of recognizing prolapsed ovary as the cause of painful intercourse (Dyspaurenia) in childbearing-age women who previously did not…
Surprising Things That Lead to Heart Disease What Is Heart Disease? It’s a group of conditions related to your heart. Some are problems with the muscle itself, the valves, or how it beats, including cardiomyopathy, atrial fibrillation, and heart failure. Others affect your blood vessels, like hardened arteries and strokes. Unhealthy foods, lack of exercise,…
BBC CPR Video Demonstration on what to do if someone collapses in front of you According to CDC Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is an emergency procedure that can help save a person’s life if their breathing or heart stops.
Natural cold and flu remedies from around the world It’s that time of the year when your child easily comes down with a runny nose, a cough, or a sore throat. Children everywhere get colds and coughs, and they don’t always have access to a pharmacy or medical care. This becomes even more of a…
Understanding Blood Pressure Readings The only way to know if you have high blood pressure (HBP, or hypertension) is to have your blood pressure tested. Understanding your results is key to controlling high blood pressure.
Get the most out of home blood pressure monitoring The first measurement should be in the morning before eating or taking any medications, and the second in the evening. Each time you measure, take two or three readings to make sure your results are accurate.
10 Keys to Lower Blood Pressure High blood pressure raises your chances of having both heart attack and stroke. It’s important to know your numbers, because if you have high blood pressure you’ll want to bring those numbers down. Talk to your doctor about the best ways for you to lower your blood pressure. Here are some things they may suggest…
15 Cancer Symptoms to Know A new spot on your skin or one that changes size, shape, or color could be a sign of skin cancer. Another is a spot that doesn’t look the same as all the others on your body. If you have any unusual marks, have your doctor check your skin. They will…
16 Tips to Lower Your Cholesterol Has your doctor said you have high cholesterol? Then you know you need to change your diet and lifestyle to lower cholesterol and your chance of getting heart disease. Even if you get a prescription for a cholesterol drug to help, you’ll still need to change your diet and…